Rider profile
2009 - today Asia (China, India, Taiwan)
- Riding in the Indian Himalayas
- Racing in India (XC)
- Riding in China (Tibet and Gobi Desert, East China)
- Racing in China (XC and Downhill)
1993 - 2009 Europe (worldwide)
- Riding in Europe (mainly in Switzerland)
- Racing in Switzerland (XC and Downhill)
- Riding in Asia (India and Japan)
- Racing in Japan (Long distance Downhill)
1991 - 1998 Europe (Snowboarder)
- Sponsored by Never Summer Snowboards and Zeal Optics (Europe)
- Riding Competition (Freeride and Big Air)
- Sponsored by Burton Snowboards (Switzerland)
- Riding Competition (Halfpipe and Big Air)
Work Experience
2015 - today China
- Founder and CEO of the digital mountainbike magazine mtbmagasia.com
- Editor in Chief
- Photo Director
- Layout and Design
2011 - 2016 India/China
- Founder and CEO of the digital mountainbike magazine mtbmagindia.com (-china.com)
- Editor in Chief
- Photo Director
- Layout and Design
2009 - 2013 China
- Team manager and rider for 41 Racing Team China, several publication in Chinese mountain bike magazines (Bike Cool, Action Asia, mtbmagindia)
2009 - 2011 India
- Founder and CEO of the digital mountainbike magazine FREERIDER
- Editor in Chief / Photo Director
1/2011 - 12/2011 Adidas / GT Bicycle shooting, India
- Organisation of the trip with professional mountainbike riders (Hans Rey etc..)
- Tour photographer
- Publication of the story of the trip in India (Himalaya) in several magazines around the world.
6/2009 New Delhi, India
- Shooting for RedBull with moto stunt rider Chris Pfeiffer1/2008 - 11/2008 Redbull/Scott shooting, India and Japan
- Organisation of both trips with a professional mountainbike downhillrider
- Tour photographer
- Publication of the story of the trip in India (Himalaya) in several magazines (UK, DE, CH, ITA, FRA, USA, AUT, JAP,IND, CHN)
2002 - today (worldwide)
Publication of extreme sports pictures in various sports magazines (UK, DE, CH, AUT, NOR, CAN, USA, NL, KOR, JPN, CHN, USA, PL, BRA)